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Llega más lejos. Llega más rápido. Equine Physio Performance tiene por objetivo proporcionar una optima recuperación al gesto deportivo, mejorar el rendimiento funcional y minimizar el riesgo de lesiones en circuitos de alto rendimiento. Gracias a los últimos avances probados científicamente en fisioterapia equina deportiva, hemos desarrollado un innovador programa personalizado para la optimización física de tu caballo, con el que podrás desatar todo su potencial y alcanzar todas tus metas. Que no te frene ningún obstáculo.
El Láser tipo IV estimula la regeneración nerviosa, la relajación de las fibras musculares y la respuesta del sistema inmunitario ante el dolor y la inflamación.
Tratamiento para la relajación inmediata de las fibras musculares dañadas. Propicia una rápida regeneración muscular y disminuye el dolor local e irradiado.
Analgesia inducida por neuroestimulación transcutánea o percutánea. Tiene por objetivo aliviar o bloquear el dolor crónico o agudo.
El uso de la estimulación eléctrica controlada permite el restablecimiento del control motor muscular y facilita la estabilización articular.
Técnica para la estimulación de las vías neuromusculares. Mejora el control motor, la estabilización y el rango de movilización articular del caballo.
Maniobras terapéuticas con el objetivo de estirar las estructuras de tejido blando acortadas por el estrés físico y así recuperar el rango de movimiento articular.
El CBD se está convirtiendo rápidamente en una terapia revolucionaria para dolencias como el dolor crónico, el dolor articular, el insomnio, la ansiedad y mucho más.
que dicen mis clients sobre mi?
Testimonio de GDe Greg Broderick , jinete Olímpico de Salto.
«We always use Alba from Equine Physio Performance on all of the Ballypatrick horses when we travel and compete in Spain. They feel a real difference after being treated and we highly recommend Alba».
Testimonio de Victoria Bennett, jinete international de Salto.
«When we go to MET Oliva we always use Alba for our show jumping horses! She’s very good with the horses and always has them feeling their best and ready to jump! A very professional service is provided. She has so much knowledge – you can really feel a difference when riding when your horse is treated by her».
Testimonio de Tom Tarver-Priebe (Nations Cup winner – Showjumping Team New Zealand, Abu Dhabi 2020) & Lucia Voss
«Alba from Equine Physioperformance has been a valid part in our horses competition preparation and wellbeing. With regular treatments she has kept our horses (and ourselves) in excellent condition and on top of our game. Her calm, thorough and very knowledgeable approach around our horses is very beneficial. We would highly recommend Alba from Equine Physio Performance, as her dedication to assist when it’s needed the most, does not stop her to travel to the United Arab Emirates from Spain, to treat our team whilst competing there. Your dedication is highly appreciated Alba».
Testimonio de E. Muller
«Alba is treating our horses every time we come to the show in Oliva with fantastic results. You can see a real difference on the horses who feel so much better in their body and this has a great impact on their results at the show! I strongly recommend her».
Testimonio de Desiree Johnson
«We have known Alba for just over the year she’s been helping us with our horses. She is an Intrachol part of our team. She has improved our horses range of movement and well being. She is very passionate about her work and we love that».
Testimonio de Caroline Wilks (Founder and Managing Director of IN Showjumpers)
«We have had the pleasure of working with Alba during many years whilst competing with 16 to 20 horses at the Tours at Oliva Nova and Sunshine Tour. Alba has a rare ability to combine her training with a natural feel for the horses and I couldn’t speak more highly of her passion and ability. She also has a wonderful manner with both grooms and riders and as a result of this she is always able to obtain the buy in and additional knowledge that only will come from these people who work with the horses day in day out”.
las mas recientes visitas a mis clientes
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